In a world where you can be anything…be kind!

 This year we are so thankful to be in-person with our students.  We want our elementary students growing academically, physically, spiritually and socially.  For the second year now, I implemented Kindness Assemblies throughout the school year so that we can focus on...

TCS Helps Care for Those in Need

In this season of giving, Timothy Christian School is excited to give to others in need! We are participating in a Thanksgiving food drive to help My Neighbor’s Pantry which is a local food pantry in Somerset, NJ. This food pantry is run by one of our alumni parents,...


We are happy to welcome Nina Dueck to our faculty! Having recently obtained her B.S. in Elementary Education and her M.S. in Childhood Special Education from Nyack College as well as having been the Children’s Director at her church, Mrs. Dueck is a wonderful new...


Sara Chipps, TCS Class of ’99, went on to earn her college degree from Penn State. Today, Sara is a software engineer at Stack Overflow, where she is the Director of Community.  Additionally, she runs her own company called ‘JewelBots’where she makes STEM...

It’s Time to Vote!

The right and freedom to vote is an American privilege. Where does our freedom as Americans come from?When posed with this question, our 8th grade Civics students threw out answers like these: “Severing ties with a tyrannical King;” “American colonists;” “From the...

Meet the Rivas Family

Why did you choose TCS for your child? We wanted our kids enrolled in a school where Christian principles are taught and valued. What do you love most about TCS? We love the support, encouragement, guidance, correction and love that the teachers shower on our...