Elementary Students Continue to Practice Kindness!

Our elementary students had the opportunity to finish up the 20-21 school year with a service project that enabled them to put their theme verse for the year, Mark 12:31 “Love your neighbor as yourself,” into action! Mrs. Spiess introduced the service project,...

Principal for a Day!

Have you ever wanted to “try out” the role of being “the Principal” for just a day? First grader, Sean Porcher, and 11thgrader, Linda Cuykendall, got to do just that! The “Elementary Principal for a Day” and the “MS/HS Principal for a Day” roles were auctioned off at...

Author’s Day at TCS

Our first graders are now authors! First grade is a big year for learning to read and write. As a culminating project at the end of the year, each first grader writes and illustrates their own story and then gets to read it aloud before an audience at a special...

TCS Seniors Minister at Home in NJ

While some seniors were in the DR doing ministry, other seniors during the same week were at home showing God’s love to people right here in NJ. By design, the hometown ministries were selected to give a similar experience to what the others were doing...


Matthew Jankowsky, TCS Class of 2004, received his Bachelors of Science in Business, with a specialization in Marketing from Liberty University. Matt currently works for SHI International Corp. which helps business customers acquire the technology they need. As an...

Meet the Henry Family

Why did you choose TCS for your child? Since our daughters were starting elementary school, we wanted to build a foundation for them to foster both their academic and spiritual growth at the beginning. What do you love most about TCS? Although, we were new to TCS, we...