
“Sing a new song unto the Lord, play skillfully and shout for joy!” Psalm 33:3

For 25 years Timothy has been glorifying our Lord Jesus Christ with a wide variety of students, talent and music. The TCS Band Program exists to honor the Lord with the talent He has given us in both our approach to learning and our sharing with others this wonderful gift of music. May God be continually glorified as we enter the next quarter-century of instrumental music at TCS.


5th graders have the opportunity to take band as an elective course. The 5th grade band class begins in October, after all interested students have acquired their wind instrument, and continues for the remainder of the year. The course will cover the material found in the method book “Accent on Achievement” book 1 and concert literature suitable to the 5th grade level.  For the first two semesters the students meet for a weekly lesson according to like instruments. Beginning in January the groups are combined to form the 5th grade band class. The 5th Grade Band performs in the TCS Spring Concert.

Middle School

Middle School Band is an elective course. The class meets two periods a week according to grade level. The course will cover the material found in the method book “Accent on Achievement” book 2 and concert literature suitable to the Middle School level. The students will occasionally combine with the High School Concert Band for public performances which include (but are not limited to) Chapels, the MS/HS Christmas and Spring Programs.

High School

Concert Band is an elective course offered from 9th – 12th grade. Prerequisite – the successful completion of 8th grade band or by audition. The class meets three periods a week for the full year. The course will explore a variety of Concert and Jazz Band literature which will expose the students to more of the multifaceted world of music.  The Band will perform in a variety of public performances which include (but are not limited to) Chapels, the MS/HS Christmas and Spring Programs, Veteran’s Day and Easter Programs, and the TCS Spring Banquet.

Fine Arts