Where Faith & Learning Connect
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TCS At A Glance

Teacher to Student Ratio
Staff with Advanced Degrees
College Acceptance
College Credits Available

Tiger News
Meet the Hampton Family
The Hamptons have been with us at TCS for three years now. They have two daughters, one in first grade and one in fourth grade. The Hamptons are one of many of our TCS families who have a parent working at Rutgers University. Our students always have a blast during...
TCS Elementary Students Help Those in Need This Winter
This has been an exceptionally cold winter in New Jersey, and our students have found a way to help those in need stay warm. For several years, TCS elementary has participated in donating to Blankets of Hope. You can even see TCS as one of the partnership sites listed...
TCS Stalwart Teacher Appreciation Interview: Miss Walker
In 9th grade Introduction to Literature, the students read the narrative essay “The Washwoman” by Isaac Bashevis Singer. To make this story come alive, Mrs. Jayawardene assigns her students the task of interviewing “stalwart” teachers at TCS. We are releasing the...
Upcoming Events
Preview Day 2023
Contact for Admissions TCS Admissions 732-985-0116