In 9th grade Introduction to Literature, the students read the narrative essay “The Washwoman” by Isaac Bashevis Singer. To make this story come alive, Mrs. Jayawardene assigns her students the task of interviewing “stalwart” teachers at TCS....
Meet our new high school math teacher Tiffany Thompson. While this is Mrs. Thompson’s first year at TCS, she comes with a wealth of experience having taught math in public schools for seventeen years. She loves learning and has completed several degrees. She received...
We’re excited to welcome Everett Pilbeam to our staff this year. He will be teaching Civics, Geography, and Economics/Comparative politics. His degree is in Adolescent Education in Social Studies from Clarks Summit University. Let’s hear from Everett why he is excited...
We are excited to welcome Sharon Chen to TCS this year! Mrs. Chen has her master’s degree in mass communications from the University of South Carolina and ten years teaching experience. She is teaching first grade and has two sons here at Timothy in 7th and 9th grade....
Nathasha Jayawardene or Mrs. J, as her students affectionately call her, currently teaches 9th and 11th grade Literature. She is also a TCS parent with her daughter in 4th grade. Her family moved from Sri Lanka to the United States just last year. In Sri Lanka, at the...