Get Your Spring Banquet Tickets Today

We are just two weeks shy from the Timothy Christian School Annual Spring Banquet and if you still have not purchased your tickets, now is the time! You won’t regret a night of reflection and sharing as we remind you of the value and importance of raising your...

There’s Good News and “Band” News

By Dave Carroll This winter TCS celebrates musical success as two students achieved a remarkable goal. Grace Ng (trombone) and Luke Tan (multiple percussion/mallets) of our middle school band program auditioned for the Central Jersey Music Educators Association...

Tiger Serve Launches at TCS

A new program launched this year at TCS encourages students to spend more of their time serving. Tiger Serve was birthed as a result of a suggestion made by a few parents at a “Coffee with the HS Principal” last school year. These parents are passionate about serving...

Alumni Profile: John Heffernan Ph.D.

John Heffernan, TCS Class of 2007, resides in Scottsdale, Arizona. He recently earned his Ph.D. from Arizona State University after receiving his undergraduate and master’s degrees at Drexel University. Q: Where are you working now? John: “I work for a pharmaceutical...