Meet the Dewar Family

Meet the Dewar Family

Why did you choose TCS for your child? My husband and I decided a long time ago that if our children are anything like we were back in high school, they would need all the grace and godly love and support they could get to thrive in this modern-day academic school...
Elementary Celebrates Read Across America Week

Elementary Celebrates Read Across America Week

Our elementary school students love reading all year long, but during Read Across America Week they have even more reading fun! The elementary students celebrated this special week with multiple events. The students were able to come into school dressed up on...
TCS High Schoolers Gain Career Wisdom from Parents

TCS High Schoolers Gain Career Wisdom from Parents

We had fourteen parents* come for our High School Parent Career Day this year. The students enjoyed hearing the parents’ presentations on their careers. We had a wide variety of jobs represented in medicine, education, science, finance, aviation, and more! Senior...