Meet the Paul Family

Meet the Paul Family

Why did you choose TCS for your child? God placed TCS in our hearts since we moved to NJ a few years ago. However, we were getting ourselves financially established in our new home. After fervent prayer God granted us the opportunity in 2022 for our 3 children to...
Faculty Highlight: Fabian Buenano

Faculty Highlight: Fabian Buenano

Fabian Buenano is a recent addition to our high school math department at TCS. He teaches a total of 5 classes which include Algebra 2, Advanced Algebra 2, two sections of Geometry, and AP Stats. Not only is Mr. Buenano a teacher, but he is also in his third year as a...
Meet the Browning Family

Meet the Browning Family

Why did you choose TCS for your child? I choose TCS because I wanted a Bible based academic environment for my son. When I attended a preview, the Spirit confirmed for me that this was an excellent place where my son would learn more about Christ, be able to pray in a...
Meet the Kelly Family

Meet the Kelly Family

Why did you choose TCS for your child? One of the blessings of the pandemic for our family was that the Lord used that experience to lead our family to TCS. After many years in the public school system, we sensed it was time to make a change. We were looking for a...