Meet the Gilbert Family

Meet the Gilbert Family

Why did you choose TCS for your child? In October 2016, the Lord Jesus told me to visit the school on a Saturday. I was obedient and drove down to the school that same day. As I was driving around the school, the sign stated that TCS was having an open house the next...
Meet the Maronilla Family

Meet the Maronilla Family

Why did you choose TCS for your children? Even when we were still in Asia, we had already known of well-meaning Christian parents who expressed their struggles with their children who were studying in traditional schools. Their children could not resolve the opposing...

Testimonial: Leo Li

“During my years at TCS, I read the classics of Shakespeare in Literature, learned calculus, studied the lives of God’s amazing creation in Biology and His laws of the natural world in Physics. Besides all that, the most amazing thing is that I learned what is...

Testimonial: Rhema Solomon

“My honors’ professors at Seton Hall say that I have complex and detailed arguments that they are very impressed with, and I know I would not have been able to develop those skills if it were not for Dr. Noel’s AP English Language & Composition class that I...

Testimonial: Joshua Matthew

“TCS provided me with opportunities and high level classes that enabled me to gain scholarships for college and be ready for college workload.” Joshua Matthew Sophomore at Temple University & TCS Alumnus...