Why did you choose TCS for your children?
Even when we were still in Asia, we had already known of well-meaning Christian parents who expressed their struggles with their children who were studying in traditional schools. Their children could not resolve the opposing worldviews that were taught to them. This is why we chose TCS for both our children when we moved to NJ four years ago. The school’s commitment to partner with parents to provide a Christ-centered education to compliment what was taught at home & the Church sealed our decision to place our kids here.
What do you love most about TCS?
What I love most about TCS is the atmosphere of community. I am confident that my child is not just a mere student, but a child that needs to be loved. I feel that the leaders & staff truly care about the overall well-being of our kids. We experienced this when we were new to the school. The teachers made sure that our kids were transitioning well & not being left out. We also like that a few families attend our local Church. This provided an instant network for us when we first moved.
What is one word that best describes the school? Why?
Christ-Centered. This is manifested in the requirement that all teachers are professing believers of Christ. We also see this in Chapel time when special speakers are invited to speak about important topics that impact our kids. Most importantly, all subjects are taught with the Biblical worldview.
In what ways have you seen your child grow and develop as a result of their experience at TCS?
Our children have thrived & continue to thrive in the school despite normal student struggles. They are both striving for excellence for God’s glory. My daughter is learning how to be a servant leader. My son is learning how to depend on God when faced with situations that are outside his comfort zone.
How is TCS preparing your child for college and beyond?
I believe that God is using the school to instill in our kids a very strong spiritual foundation that they can take with them to college and beyond!
What would you tell another parent to encourage them to consider enrolling their child at TCS?
I would ask them this question: Are you making decisions for your kids based on eternity?