How often do you thank your local police officer? Men and women serving in Law Enforcement have dedicated their lives, and sometimes sacrificed their lives, enforcing laws that serve to protect us. They are often underappreciated. January 9th is a day set aside to...
Giving Tuesday was held on Tuesday, December 3. We are grateful to our Board who started the day off with a challenge of matching their collective gift of $20,000. That match was met by noon! We are so thankful for each person who contributed! You made a difference!...
Who is your hero? Webster defines hero as “a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.” Elementary students at Timothy Christian School were recently given the opportunity to choose a man or woman who is admired not...
In 9th grade Introduction to Literature, the students read the narrative essay “The Washwoman” by Isaac Bashevis Singer. To make this story come alive, Mrs. Jayawardene assigns her students the task of interviewing “stalwart” teachers at TCS....