
Timothy Christian School is an Accredited Institution

Our commitment to educational excellence means being accountable for the quality of our programs and professional development. Accreditation is valuable:

  • Accreditation encourages and facilitates school improvement
  • Accreditation provides a means for public accountability
  • Accreditation fosters stakeholder involvement and commitment
  • Accreditation builds positive public relations

Association of Christian Schools International

The Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) is a premier provider of professional services for Christian educators worldwide. ACSI strives to enable Christian educators and schools to effectively educate children and young people with the mind of Christ. To this end, ACSI seeks to equip schools for greater effectiveness, year after year. We believe that schools can increasingly achieve their vibrant mission as their operational practices grow in excellence. It is our Vision to be an association speaking with a viable and authoritative voice in education and consisting of effective Christian schools recognized as essential and contributing to the public good. ASCI’s mission is “to enable Christian educators and schools worldwide to effectively prepare students for life”. ACSI is leading schools toward greater effectiveness through accreditation, certification, and educational resources.

Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
Middles States Association (MSA) is a non-governmental, voluntary organization of educational institutions, acting through their respective commissions, committed to excellence in all levels across the continuum of education. MSA’s purpose is to encourage, advance, assist, and sustain the quality and integrity of education within these institutions. In order to achieve these goals in the public interest, the Association establishes appropriate criteria and levels of educational excellence and measurable effectiveness. MSA also works with other organizations, agencies, and institutions to achieve cooperation and coordination between and among schools, colleges and universities.

Envision the potential of a Christ-filled education . . .

“I would claim that Christian schooling is not about running or hiding from—rather it is about embracing and pursuing the mind of Christ. It is about pursuing the real understanding of what it means to be salt and light, about transformation by the renewing of the mind. It is about the development of fruitful bearers of the image of Christ in a world gone bland with its salt-less-ness; a world staggering in an abundance of darkness where the light has been all but snuffed out.”

Ken Smitherman, President ACSI
Retired 2009

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