In 9th grade Introduction to Literature, the students read the narrative essay “The Washwoman” by Isaac Bashevis Singer. To make this story come alive, Mrs. Jayawardene assigns her students the task of interviewing “stalwart” teachers at TCS. We are releasing the fourth in a series of excerpts from essays that students wrote about Mrs. Leahy, Mr. Carroll, Mrs. Delmanto, and Miss Walker.
Miss Walker has been dedicated to Timothy and her years of service show. She has been working at Timothy since 2013. Originally Miss Walker was hired at Timothy to be a Middle School Math and High School Pre-Algebra teacher. In her experiences going from being a core-curriculum to an elective teacher, she noted that the classes were smaller when she taught math, but teaching elective classes she finds that she has more students. Through her experiences, she highlighted that the success of the year depends on her students, their willingness to learn and listen. Miss Walker could not think of changing any curriculum at Timothy, but she desired to have more sports facilities. She wants our school to be able to build up our athletics program even more.
Over her 40 years of teaching, she has had many students, and she remembers a lot of their names. Miss Walker has always had a passion for working with children. If she wasn’t a teacher, she would choose another profession that would enable her to work with children such as being a pediatrician. As a student at Perth Amboy High School, Miss Walker remembered herself to be a very smart student; however, she also described herself as being lazy. Despite her being “lazy” she was placed sixteenth at the top of her class out of four hundred students. One of her dreams throughout her life was to be able to play the piano. Her friends inspired her by the way they played, but she never learned.
Miss Walker’s journey to being saved started with her neighbors across the street inviting her to vacation Bible school at the church down the street from her house. Since it was so close to her house, she became involved in the church, and that helped her to learn more about God and through that the Lord drew her to His salvation. Miss Walker felt that while teaching itself is a noble career its value increases when one has an opportunity to lead students in their knowledge and faith in Christ.
She was first introduced to Timothy Christian School by a former student, who recommended her for the vacancy that was advertised, and now she works with one of her former students, Mr. Covington. Miss Walker is very involved at Timothy and coaches volleyball, basketball, and track. She is also a big supporter of her students and attends their games to cheer them on. She noted enthusiastically that the friendships she has made through Timothy are lifelong friendships.
Miss Walker spent many years loving and working unto the Lord and inspires so many others to do the same. Hebrews 6:10 says, “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” Miss Walker spent most of her life devoting her time to helping others and working for the Lord. From long days and nights, she spends her extra time motivating others and shows how deeply she cares for her students. From a math teacher to a coach to a PE teacher, Miss Walker has shown her love for the Lord and inspired others to work like she does. Hebrew 6:10 states that he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him, and Miss Walker’s dedication and hard work certainly do not go unnoticed.