Kindness Catches Like Wildfire in Elementary

Elementary Kindness Assemblies at Timothy, just introduced this school year, are giving “kind” a whole new meaning for students. In these monthly gatherings students in K-5 are learning about some deep and meaningful topics including; How to handle a bully…don’t be a...

“Music with Carnegie Hall” Comes to Timothy

Some of our elementary students may be heard humming folk songs from around the world. Two new music classes have been introduced to students at Timothy Christian School that are giving children an amazing look at the world of music. The curriculum for the new classes...

Fixed Eyes to Bring Vision

When Christian Crespo graduated from Timothy Christian School in 2010, he had a good idea of what field he wanted to go into – how it would shake up was in God’s hands. After pursing classes toward engineering and science at Middlesex Community College and later the...