The varsity girls’ volleyball program at TCS played over 40 matches the past two seasons. Unfortunately, the volleyball team only won 7 of those 40+ matches. Albert Einstein once defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same result. Well, under the leadership of new volleyball head coach, Miriam Hartzler, and jv head coach, Jessie Elsaesser, the volleyball program started changing what they were doing. The girls’ began showing up twice per week during the month and July of put in 4 weeks of additional work before pre-season began on August 15th. The results of the additional summer work, and intensified practice sessions that include strength and conditioning workouts have yielded fast and positive results. The varsity volleyball team opened the season with their traditional trip down to the very competitive Fredericksburg Christian School Tune-Up Tournament; an event in which TCS had never won a match. The girls’ returned from Virginia with a victory of Seton School of Virginia, their first victory ever at the event. The past week, positive results have continued as the volleyball team defeated New Brunswick High School and Perth Amboy High School for TCS’ first winning streak in recent memory and a record of 4 wins and 5 losses; 1 more win than they’ve had all of last season. While the coaching staff recognizes that consistency is the key to a successful season, they are encouraged by the commitment of the Lady Tigers to this point in the season.