Kris-1000thIn the December of 2009, a tall, skinny freshmen named Kristian Svendsen put on his #12 TCS jersey for his first JV basketball game at TCS. He scored 40 points in that first jv game and the TCS basketball program thought  it may have a special player on its hands. The journey from jv stardom to a complete varsity career is never a guarantee though.

Kristian has been named to all tournament teams, but you only have to play well for a weekend to earn that. Kristian was named to the GMC all-division team, but you only have to play well for a season to earn that. In order to join the 1000 point club, you have to play well for a career. You have to play well 25-27 times every winter. You have to go to summer camp, you have to come to the gym on your own to work, you have to play summer league games when you’re friends are at the beach. A complete varsity career is never, never a guarantee.

On December 17th, 2011, a taller and not so skinny senior named Kristian Svendsen put on his #12 TCS jersey and went out into the same TCS gym. Only this time it wasnt’ jv and it wasn’t 40 points. No, this time it was varsity and it was his 1000th career point..and TCS’ first win over Keyport High School in varsity boys basketball.

Congratulations, #12