We have great new themes in the elementary and secondary schools this year!

Mrs. McInerney shared the new theme with elementary parents, “Our school theme this year is B.E.A.R. Bright. Encouraging. Agreeable. Respectful. Our theme verse is from Galatians 6:2, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Our Wednesday chapels will focus on kindness, love, and encouragement.

The hallways are filled with fun bear themed decorations to help students remember the acronym. On September 9th, the students brought in teddy bears from home to celebrate National Teddy Bear Day.

Mrs. McInerney began the first chapel by talking about Ruth and Naomi. The story of Ruth and Naomi is a great example of how to be kind and encourage each other. Mrs. McInerney shared that it is important to build each other up and be respectful. She also introduced elementary’s new mascot, a bear named Harmony. The goal is to have harmony at school and be unified. Extending forgiveness and kindness every day will help the students live in harmony with each other.


Dean Rodriguez is excited to announce the secondary theme for the 2024-2025 school year: KNOW CHRIST. This theme is inspired by Philippians 3:10, “I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection…

Dean Rodriguez shared with parents his vision for the schoolyear:

“This year, we aim for our students and MS/HS community to Know Christ in Head, Heart, and HandsKnowing Christ is a transformative experience that calls us to live each day for the honor and glory of God. Here’s how we envision this theme coming to life:

        • Head: Understanding and believing the fundamental doctrines of faith, church history, and God’s sovereignty over history.
        • Heart: Wrestling with God’s Word, embracing a Christ-centered life, and experiencing holistic spiritual growth in attitudes, habits, values, and disciplines.
        • Hands: Providing practical ways to live out faith in service to the church and community.”

To help facilitate this journey, our high school and middle school students engaged with discipleship materials over the summer. The high school students read Prodigal God by Tim Keller and the middle schoolers read 99 Thoughts for Junior Highers by Brooklyn Lindsey.

During one of the first chapels, Dean Rodriguez challenged the students to be “All In” for Christ, drawing from examples of dedication we see in today’s world. He referenced Stephen Curry’s determination to be the best in the NBA and Khaby Lame’s commitment to creating relatable content that resonates globally. Just as they went “all in” for their goals, imagine what it would look like to be “All In” for Christ—on the things that matter for eternity.

Through knowing Christ, we receive:

      • The Power to Change: As stated in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” Knowing Christ transforms us from the inside out.
      • The Power to Grow: In 1 Peter 4:12-13, we are reminded that growth often comes through challenges, but it is part of God’s refining process for us.
      • The Power to Care: Romans 5:8 and 1 John 4:19 teach us that Christ’s love for us compels us to love and care for others.

The call to be “All In” is a reminder that following Christ impacts every area of our lives, giving us purpose, growth, and love that lasts into eternity.

We are excited about how these themes will help our students to grow deeper in their relationship with Christ throughout this new school year!