Our middle school and high school students strengthened their faith at the Spiritual Life Conference as they worshipped the Lord and heard from our speakers, small group leaders, and breakout session teachers!

In the morning, the students heard from Pastor Ryan Faison about how to trust God and be courageous to confront their fears and struggles. The definition of unshakeable courage, as illuminated by Pastor Ryan, brought to life the concept of staying strong and determined in the face of life’s challenges. The examples provided, such as Nik Wallenda’s historic tightrope walk and the bravery of skydivers and first responders, vividly illustrated the essence of this courage. Joshua 1:9 reminds us of the practical steps to cultivate unshakeable courage, including trusting God completely, confronting fears bravely, and being strong and steady. These resonated deeply with everyone.

Throughout the day students attended breakout sessions on relevant topics such as Social Media, Resolving Conflict, Dating & Relationships, Mental Wellness, Identity in Christ, and Work Ethic.

They took a fun break and did an obstacle course challenge where their team had to run through an inflatable course and then assemble a box puzzle revealing the Unshakable Faith theme!

They closed out the afternoon with a word from Keyla Pavia. Keyla Pavia stirred our students to build their lives on the 3 Pillars Of Unshakable Faith: 1. Know His Calling 2. Know His Power 3. Know His Word. 

At the end of the conference the students had a time of powerful worship and reflection on the day. Considering everything heard and shared during the conference, all our students were encouraged to take the following steps:

  • Reflect on Trusting God Completely: Embrace Proverbs 3:5-6 and Max Lucado’s wisdom, realizing that faith is not about getting what we want but trusting that God will do what is right.
  • Confront Fears Bravely: Identify and acknowledge personal fears, remembering Zig Ziglar’s words: “Fear has two meanings – Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours!”
  • Be Strong and Steady: Recognize that true strength comes from God, not just physical prowess. Encourage a reliance on unshakeable courage in various aspects of life.

We want to thank all who were a part of the event and those who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make this event possible for our students. Also, we want to thank the speakers, faculty, and parent volunteers for their invaluable contribution to the success of the 2024 TCS Spiritual Life Conference. It was an impactful day that we pray stays with the students for the rest of their lives!