Why did you choose TCS for your children?

We chose Timothy Christian School for its dedication to incorporating Christian principles into the classroom as well as the overall lives of the students and providing a supportive environment that aligns with my family’s beliefs.

What do you love most about TCS?

We love TCS’ commitment to creating a caring Christian environment where our kids can grow up with a firm moral foundation as well as receive an excellent education. TCS is a special place for our family because of the loving environment and individualized care for each of the students.

What is one word that best describes the school? Why?

Faithful. This word encapsulates TCS’s commitment to developing both the academic and spiritual growth of our children, creating a trustworthy and supportive educational environment.

In what ways have you seen your children grow and develop as a result of their experience at TCS?

Lynsey, Angel, and Lucas have each flourished in different ways at TCS. Lynsey has developed a strong sense of leadership as well as a deepened faith. Angel has shown immense academic growth and a remarkable sense of responsibility. Lucas has shown a love for learning and kindness rooted in TCS’s nurturing environment.

How is TCS preparing your children for college and beyond?

TCS is equipping our children for college and beyond by offering a competitive academic program, encouraging moral integrity, and developing critical thinking abilities. The school’s emphasis on character development also prepares my children for many social and ethical issues that they may confront in college and in their adult lives.

What would you tell another parent to encourage them to consider enrolling their child at TCS?

I would encourage another parent to consider TCS for its commitment to incorporating faith into education, building a supportive community, and providing a well-rounded academic experience. The school’s emphasis on character development, personalized attention, and strong moral values creates an environment where children can thrive academically, socially, and spiritually.