Local Students Compete in the First Round of National Competition
Eleven students in grades 4-8, participated in the Timothy Christian School competition of the National Geographic GeoBee on January 13th.
First-place student, Liam S. won the championship round for the fifth year in a row. He will be taking an online qualifying exam to see if he will return to the State Bee again this year.
Winning second place was 7th grader Janae B.
The school competition is the first round in the annual National Geographic GeoBee geography competition designed to inspire and reward students’ curiosity about the world. Questions cover not only geography, but also ancient and world civilizations, cultures and physical features. The preliminary competition consisted of seven rounds of questions. From the group of eleven students, the top six scorers moved up to the final competition.
School champions, including Liam S., will go up against 100 of the top test scorers in each state and then become eligible to compete in their State GeoBee. The winners of the State GeoBees receive an all-expenses-paid trip to participate in the GeoBee National championship in Spring 2020. Students will be competing for cash prizes, scholarships and an all-expenses-paid Lindblad expedition to the Galapagos Islands aboard the National Geographic Endeavour II.
The National Geographic Society developed the GeoBee in 1989 in response to concerns about the lack of geographic knowledge among young people in the United States. Over more than three decades, more than 120 million students have learned about the world through participation in the GeoBee.