We recently caught up with Shannel Kane, TCS Class of 2009, at our Alumni Career Day. Here’s a look at what she has been up to and some reflections she has of her time spent as a student at Timothy Christian School. (CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO WATCH A VIDEO OF SHANNEL)

Q: What is your best memory of Timothy Christian School?

My fondest memory of Timothy Christian School was definitely the Dominican Republic trip that we took our senior year. It changed a lot of peoples’ mindset and opinions and it opened my eyes to a bunch of different issues and viewpoints. It was just an amazing week with my classmates and an amazing learning experience.

Q: Where did life take you since TCS?

I decided to stay in New Jersey and go to one of the smaller colleges. I did the nursing program at Ramapo College. Within six months of graduating, I passed my board exams and I started working at St. Peter’s University Hospital in New Brunswick. So I’m still a Jersey Girl! I’ve been working there now for the past five years amongst a few other nursing jobs in New Jersey.

Q: How did your time at TCS help shape your career path?

I think it actually helped me become a better nurse. I honestly think I’m doing God’s work in my career. I’m helping people. I love what I do. I love how I feel about it. I feel it’s a little different than other nurses – I’m not just doing it for the money. I’m spreading God’s love. I’m showing people how you can love others – even those you don’t know.

My advanced biology class influenced me in my career choice. It was exciting! It was hands on. It was very interactive. Advanced biology got me to start to think about the science fields.

What advice would you give current students?

You really have to remember the things we learned. Remember the lessons you learned in Bible class; remember those lessons you learned in chapel. There are times when you might feel confused or a little alone but going to Timothy Christian was so important to me growing as a person. It was so important to my personality. It was so important to get me through that time in college. It helped me not be as confused. It helped me to know who I am and find my way a little bit more direct than I feel some of my friends did.

You’re going to meet so many different types of people and you’re going to be tempted. You’re going to be pushed, you’re going to be swayed, you’re going to be pulled so many different ways, but growing up here in this close knit community with such great values, and such great lessons, and such great strong faith will give you what you need to go forward.

What lasting impression do you have of TCS?

I just have so many fond memories here, I grew up here – ever since second grade, and I honestly love this place! I feel like it made me who I am today. If you have an interesting alumni story, please contact us at alumninews@timothychristian.org.