We’re excited to welcome Everett Pilbeam to our staff this year. He will be teaching Civics, Geography, and Economics/Comparative politics. His degree is in Adolescent Education in Social Studies from Clarks Summit University. Let’s hear from Everett why he is excited about being at TCS this year! 

What/Who inspired you to take up teaching? 

I have had many great teachers over the years, but the one who stands out to me would be a ministry leader named Mr. Wilson. He was very scary to me as a younger kid due to his deep voice. As a teen, I got to know him better and he has become an important mentor in my life. His Bible lessons were filled with knowledge, and he allowed for his students to explore difficult questions. That is an aspect of teaching that I have tried my best to uphold. I want my students to have opportunities to think through difficult issues and concepts and learn how to discern wise answers.    

Why did you choose to teach at TCS? 

My college sent out a message informing me that TCS was looking for a social studies teacher. After taking a look at the website, there was something that pulled me in and prompted me to apply. After visiting, I was impressed with the community and Biblical integration in the classroom. The students had such wonderful energy and after much prayer, I knew that TCS was the school where I wanted to officially start my teaching career.  

What do you love most about TCS? 

I just love the community and support that is evident from the moment you enter the school. I have just seen such wonderful interactions between teachers, administrators, parents, and students. Even though I have only been here a short time, I have already been greatly encouraged. I look forward to continuing to get to know the students and building relationships!  

What is one word that best describes the school? Why? 

Dedicated: It is rare to see a group of people who have such dedication and care for what they do and who they serve. As believers, we are called to work for the glory of God and to shine a light into the world. That takes determination, hard work, and love. That dedication is felt as soon as you walk through the halls of the school.   

How are faith and learning integrated at TCS? 

I look forward to integrating faith into my classroom at TCS. I think that Social Studies provides an amazing opportunity to show God’s handywork throughout the world through all times. I hope to show students how God’s sovereignty can be seen as we study the world we live in. God works in our broken world with broken people to accomplish amazing feats. I hope that students will learn to love and trust our God who always demonstrates that He is worthy of our faith.  

In what ways are you preparing students for life beyond TCS? 

Throughout the schoolyear, I hope to give students the opportunity to learn how to look at different situations and problems through a biblical worldview. When students can do that, they can more clearly see who they are as a child of God and can use their gifts and skills for God’s glory. I also hope to help students to have a better understanding of history and how our world shifts and changes over time.  

What would you tell families to encourage them to send their children to TCS? 

While I have only been here for a short time, I can say that this is a place where God is going to do some amazing things! The way that faculty and staff talk about the students and the parents is so encouraging. There is a commitment and excitement to make a positive impact for each family is prevalent and refreshing. I think that this would be a great place for a student to grow academically, spiritually, and personally.  

Anything else you would like to share about your experience at TCS thus far? 

I am very excited to start my teaching career at TCS. God continues to direct my path, and I am so thankful that it is His will that I teach at TCS in 2024-25. It is going to be an amazing year!