Why did you choose TCS for your child?

Choosing TCS was quite a journey. It did not come easy because we live far from the school. Besides the transportation challenge, we needed more knowledge about its programs and activities. We learned about the school when a couple from our church shared positive reviews. Their son was an alumnus, and his experience at TCS was remarkable. At first, we did not pay attention, for we had a different plan for our son. In mid-July of 2022, we decided to schedule a school visit. At the end of the visit, we did not expect to walk away with the impression that this could end our search. Our son affirmed it when he expressed how the school exceeded his expectations. We enrolled him shortly, three weeks before the opening of classes, with no definite plan for his transportation. God answered our prayer one day before the school opening. Much to our surprise, He led us to two families looking for a carpool from our area. Speaking of double blessings! Though our journey was challenging, we were blessed to experience God’s provision as declared in Philippians 4:19, which says, “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Indeed, He was our Jehovah-Jireh!

What do you love most about TCS?

It is very comforting to know that there is a haven for our son. It is worth mentioning the soundness of the instructions and materials for learning. We are grateful for the opportunities he has to learn, while thriving in an environment where spiritual maturity is considered a significant investment. On this premise, TCS is exceptional because it also recognizes the need for our son to grow in his spiritual journey.

As parents, we want our son to succeed in his chosen career. While he needs to finish his education, knowing that he is secured in his salvation is far more desirable. Scripture says, “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul” (Mark 8:36)? This verse reminds us of what true success is about. The accumulation of earthly possessions does not define this success but the starting point of eternity. Outside of our home and the church, TCS helps achieve the eternal goal we have for our son.

What is one word that best describes the school? Why?

The one word that best describes the school is anchor. Like an anchor, TCS helps secure our son to be academically prepared, physically active, socially engaged, and spiritually seasoned. These four aspects are equally vital, so there is no room for them to be lacking. The learning environment provides the stability for our son to succeed. Knowing he is prepared makes a big difference in his life. Therefore, he can go into the future bravely.

In what ways have you seen your child grow and develop as a result of their experience at TCS?

Growing closer to God is one of the best things that our son has experienced at TCS. His exposure to the Word through the Chapel hour helps shape his understanding of what God’s love is all about. This love manifested on the cross shows how precious he is in the sight of God. In response to this realization, he becomes more thankful for his salvation.

On a lighter note, he is more engaged in school activities. Lately, he signed up to be a part of the production crew in the school play, “The Great Gatsby.” It was a big surprise for us because he had never been interested in theater. We watched the play run for three days and were thrilled to see him doing an excellent job.

How is TCS preparing your child for college and beyond?

The school strives to help our son live an exemplary life by providing a Christ-centered education. It becomes an extension of our home and church in cultivating a Christ-like character. With such character, we are assured that he can live a meaningful and productive life. One good example to support our view is the opportunity to serve the community. Recently, our son signed up to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity through the school program. His participation opened a way to bless others by stepping outside his comfort zone. Looking into the future, he will carry the experience joyfully, knowing he was part of a significant endeavor. We hope that he will continue to be a blessing to other people.

What would you tell another parent to encourage them to consider enrolling their child at TCS?

For parents at the crossroads of choosing a school, TCS is for you. We understand how hard it is to find a school, for we experienced it firsthand. When we visited the school for the first time, we did not plan to send our son to TCS. Things changed after we heard about the school programs and activities and toured the facility. The school visit was very positive. We learned that TCS provides a well-balanced curriculum. We love the idea that the school offers a dynamic and holistic approach to learning. It is also very encouraging because it allows for continuity of love outside our home.

It only took a school visit to convince us that TCS is the school. If you care for your child’s development in all aspects of life, we invite you to take this challenge by visiting the school. Who knows, maybe you will pay it forward by sharing your own story. Come! See for yourself.