Our elementary school students love reading all year long, but during Read Across America Week they have even more reading fun! The elementary students celebrated this special week with multiple events.

The students were able to come into school dressed up on different days. There was Dr. Seuss Day, where students dressed up as different characters from Dr. Seuss books, Book Character Day, where students dressed up as characters from their favorite stories, and DEAR Day, where students got to wear their pajamas to school!

Throughout the week many elementary classes met for Reading Buddies. Mrs. Jankowsky’s 5th grade and Mrs. Cevallos’ 2nd grade are paired up this year, which is especially exciting as there are a few sibling pairs in these classes who are excited to see each other and read together!

Some grades had parent volunteers come in to read to the class. In Kindergarten, Dr. Smock and Mrs. Dyer made guest appearances as well!

Two Christian Authors, Laura Sassi and Jonathan Marshall, came to speak in chapel. Laura Sassi has visited our school to share her books before. During this visit she shared her journey to becoming an author and encouraged the students that they can become authors too! This was Jonathan Marshall’s first time visiting TCS. He has authored the books: “I’ll Be Right There” and “If Dad Can Do It, So Can I.” He spoke to the students about this year’s HERO theme and how they can be Humble, Excellent, Respectful, and Obedient. After speaking, he visited individual classes and read his books to them.

Read Across America Week is a national week and we are not the only school who celebrates. Bright Beginnings Learning Center invited our high school students to come read to them as well! Our students enjoyed interacting with the children at the learning center and seeing their excitement for story time!

Everyone participating in dress up days, reading together, and hearing from guest authors was a great reminder to our students that reading is fun!