Blankets of Hope (BOH) is a non-profit that partners with schools to donate thousands of blankets with handwritten notes to those in need. Mike and Nick Fiorito, two brothers from Brooklyn who started BOH in 2016, have made a big impact spreading love and kindness to those in need. TCS is excited be a part of this beautiful ministry to the community!
Elementary Principal, Kristi McInerney shared about the experience.
On Wednesday, February 8th we had a chapel dedicated to serving others. I feel this is very important for elementary students to be a part of. We are so blessed at Timothy, and we love teaching our students how to be generous towards others and bless those in our communities.”
Students wrote encouraging letters with Bible verses and words of kindness. It was beautiful to see them write their letters and decorate them for strangers they would never even meet. Many of the students included “I hope this blanket keeps you warm” and “I am praying for you” in their letters.
We showed the students the videos by Mike and Nick and the Blankets of Hope project. It inspired us to want to give warm blankets to many who are freezing and without a place to live.
On Friday, Josh Knaub from Grace Fellowship Chapel of Bedminster picked up the 210 blankets and letters (one from each of our elementary students) tied with ribbon and brought them to the Relief Bus Ministry which assists Blankets of Hope with the distribution of the blankets. That very night almost all of the blankets were taken. Josh said it was one of their biggest nights where many people came to get blankets because it had been so cold.
This was an awesome ministry service project for our TCS kids. We look forward to doing it again next year!