The Chapel was buzzing with excitement on Thursday, January 19 as students and parents attended the Elementary Multicultural Fair.
First through fifth graders were given the opportunity to participate.
Students chose which country they wanted to learn about. Many chose countries from which their parents or grandparents came from. Some students worked with a sibling or cousin to learn about their family’s country of origin. Mrs. McInerney provided a rubric to help guide the students in what to include in their project. Students learned about about the climate, people, language, and culture of their country.
After doing the research, they creatively displayed what they had learned on a tri-fold board. Every elementary class visited the chapel to see the projects as well as some middle school and high school students and many parents and grandparents! All visitors learned so much and even got to sample some food from the countries represented!
The students voted and chose who they thought had the best projects. In third place, the students chose Chloe R. (Australia) and Lauren A. (Philippines). In second place was Amelia M. (France) and Alex N. (Italy). In first place, the students voted for Lenora and Eliana R. with their project on Ecuador! Mrs. McInerney had some honorable mentions as well: Journee W. (Sri Lanka), Sydney D. (Madagascar), Josiah C. (Canada), Josylyn D. (Thailand), Meira S. (Brazil), Jacob M. (Singapore), and Julia S. (Kenya).
“This is a wonderful way to celebrate the many different cultures in our world and in our school. God has made each of us so unique and beautiful. The projects required research, thought, and creativity. All the students did an amazing job! I am so proud of them!” said Mrs. McInerney.