Timothy Christian School is thrilled to have TCS alumna, Nyrie Janho, class of ’05, return to serve on the faculty. Nyrie’s passion for science, middle school age students, and the Lord make her a perfect fit to teach 7th grade Life Science & 8thgrade Earth Science at TCS.
Nyrie graduated from Liberty University with a Bachelor of Science in Education with a concentration in Science & Social Studies. She holds a New Jersey State teaching license for teaching Kindergarten through 8th grade with special endorsements for Science & Social Studies in grades 5-8.
Learn more from Mrs. Janho herself about who inspired her, why she is so happy to be teaching at TCS, and all she is doing to integrate faith and prepare her students for the future.
What/Who inspired you to take up teaching?
As a middle schooler, I wanted to be a nutritionist! In high school, I was volunteering in my local church teaching Sunday school and someone who was there watching said, “You really should consider going into education. You have a gift of working with children.” The Lord used their encouragement to make me consider a career in education.
Why did you choose to teach at TCS?
My decision to teach at TCS was influenced by many factors, not the least of which is that I myself attended TCS Kindergarten through 12th grade! I knew that my time at Timothy Christian school played a tremendous part in shaping me into who I am today. My time as a student at TCS helped equip me academically and spiritually to live a God glorifying, purpose driven life as an adult. I wanted to be a part of the life changing ministry that happens every day here at TCS. I spent approximately 8 years teaching in the public schools. God used that time to grow and equip me as an educator. I am so very grateful for every part of my teaching career journey! However, during that time, I realized that the impact I could have on the lives of my students was limited. There were certain things I could not say or do that I knew would bring my students true healing and hope! At the same time, one by one, my children were beginning to attend TCS as they entered PreK! I was working elsewhere making work life balance challenging. This past Fall, my youngest child was going to be attending PreK at TCS and all 3 of my children were going to be Timothy Tigers! It was at this time that God provided the opportunity for me to be on the same campus as my children teaching middle school science! This has been an immeasurable blessing. I love giving my own kids hugs and kisses when I pass them on the sidewalks.
How are faith and learning integrated at TCS?
I love the fact that faith and learning connect here at TCS! Everything in science points to our good God and loving Creator. I love that I get to show my students this every day in the classroom. Job 12:7-10 says, “But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;8 or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you.9 Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? 10 In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.” This is our guiding verse as we study Life Science. In Earth science, our guiding verse is Psalm 19:1, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”Science makes so much sense when viewed through a Biblical lens!
In what ways do you want to prepare students for a life beyond TCS?
I want my students to know and understand other views of the origins of the earth. We spend time comparing and contrasting other views and comparing them to a biblical worldview. This sheds light on how a biblical interpretation of scientific phenomenon makes more sense, answers more questions, and leaves less unanswered questions than a secular view does!I want my students to be equipped to engage with others in compassionate, meaningful, and life changing conversations. I want them to be able to give a reason for the hope that is in them! I want them to know why they believe what they believe. Finally, I want them to be prepared and equipped to succeed academically in science classes and careers beyond TCS. It is my sincere hope and prayer that their time in my classroom accomplishes these goals!
What would you tell families to encourage them to send their children at TCS?
Both of my siblings, my husband, my brother-in-law, and countless friends of mine that have graduated from TCS received an education with eternal value. My former schoolmates are doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers, surgeons, pharmacists, food scientists, successful businessmen and women, entrepreneurs, and project managers…just to name a few! We have gone out into the world living God glorifying, purpose driven lives with successful and fulfilling careers. Timothy Christian School came alongside our parents and partnered with them as they sought to raise us in the knowledge and wisdom of our God. Now, my own three children receive a loving, Christ-centered education here at Timothy Christian School each and every day. My mind is always at peace knowing that their teachers love the Lord and will admonish and encourage them to do the same as they prepare them academically, spiritually, and socially.