The Piscataway public library is celebrating its diverse community by displaying items and narratives from local organizations. Timothy Christian School submitted a collage of photographs showing Camp Kilmer then and Timothy Christian School now along with the history detailed below. It is important to recognize the hand of God that moved through men and women fighting for physical freedom in WWII still moves today through men and women fighting for spiritual freedom through eternal life for our youth and generations to come. Our God is the author of Freedom and Eternal Life.
“This compilation of photographs are of the Military Base, Camp Kilmer and Timothy Christian School which share some of the same ground on Ethel Road in Piscataway. This represents the depth of patriotic American history in Piscataway. It is also significant that Camp Kilmer cared for soldiers entering WWII to fight in a physical battle for freedom. Now, Timothy Christian School educates and cares for students who enter the world to fight a spiritual battle for freedom in Jesus Christ.Camp Kilmer was activated in June of 1942 and the camps remnant closed in 2009. Timothy Christian School purchased two of the barracks and converted them into school classrooms and offices in 1960. Today, Timothy Christian School comprises 8 buildings, a gymnasium built in 1989, and several athletic fields on 23 acres.These pictures bring to mind love for our global community. Our military men and women entered WWII in an effort to change the course of a war that had the potential to impact every nation on earth as Adolph Hitler sought world domination and killed 6 million people whom he considered undesirable in Nazi Concentration camps during the Holocaust. Today, Timothy Christian School teaches our students to enter the world with the love of Jesus Christ who provides the gift of eternal life for all who will accept it and to enter into service of those the world considers undesirable. Our school is representative of our many Christian communities within Piscataway as well as throughout New Jersey and Staten Island.Such robust history of Piscataway should not be overlooked but taught to future generations as Piscataway continues to be a warm community that welcomes all people.“