Why did you choose TCS for your child?
In October 2016, the Lord Jesus told me to visit the school on a Saturday. I was obedient and drove down to the school that same day. As I was driving around the school, the sign stated that TCS was having an open house the next day. My husband, daughter, and I went the open house. My husband and I loved the Christ-Centered curriculum and staff.
What do you love most about TCS?
I love the friendly professional staff, that the campus is always in pristine condition, and the Christ-Centered education.
What is one word that best describes the school? Why?
The one word that best describes TCS is Divine. The reason why is because of the divine intervention of God that directed me and my husband to enroll our daughter at TCS. When she began, I was working very far away from the school. However, through God’s divine intervention, I was able to transfer my job approximately 15 minutes away from TCS! Thank you Jesus!
In what ways have you seen your child grow and develop as a result of their experience at TCS?
My daughter has more knowledge of the Word of God. She is excited about learning her subjects and she enjoys going to school. She is sad when she is not attending school.
How is TCS preparing your child for college and beyond?
TCS is teaching her advanced reading, science, math, music and arts. TCS is teaching my daughter to be a well-rounded intelligent individual.
What would you tell another parent to encourage them to consider enrolling their child at TCS?
Enrolling your child at TCS is one of most important decisions you can make. It is not just for their academic future, but also for their eternal future.