After graduating in 2014, Jarrett went to TCNJ and received his degree in Health and Exercise Science. Currently, Jarrett works as a physical education teacher at the Elizabeth Avenue School in Somerset, NJ. In addition to his full-time teaching job, Jarrett is an entrepreneur running not one, but two companies!

He has a basketball training company called “Locked In Training Academy.” If you have students interested in one-on-one training in basketball, check out Locked In!

Inspired by his senior class trip to the Dominican Republic to help ‘the least of these’, Jarrett started a nonprofit called “Recycle4hope” which collects recyclables to redeem for cash to create care packages for the homeless. Though Jarrett had not planned on all this when he graduated from TCS, he is excited about all he is doing and believes that he is following the plans God has for his life. Jarrett shared, “I am grateful for the investment TCS has poured into me, and I am ready to make an impact on whoever God brings into my life.” Jarrett has continued to stay well connected to TCS and is always ready and willing to give back and help when needed. He has returned for various sporting events, Homecoming, Mr. & Mrs. Bills’ Retirement celebration and most recently came back to serve as a tour guide at our recent Preview events.

Here is what Jarrett had to say about his experience at TCS:

What do you love most about TCS?

The teachers and coaches I had, made a lasting impact on me. When I was in school, it truly felt like I had a family/community that cared about my wellbeing and not just my academic standing. I love how I can still come back and visit, and still feel a part of the family.

What is one word that best describes the school? Why?

Family. Having gone to TCS from K-12, I spent the majority of my life here. To this day, I still feel a part of the community whenever I step on the campus. I made lifelong friends and forged relationships that have been an integral part of my life. Graduating did not end my story at TCS, it simply began a new chapter.

Describe one of your favorite memories of TCS.

My favorite memory by far is the missions trip to the Dominican Republic. It left a lasting impression on me, and shifted my perspective on how I view my daily interactions. Being able to make such a drastic impact on the people there, impacted the way I interact with people now. I try not to take any moment for granted and try to share the love of God with anyone I come in contact with. If it were not for that trip, I may have never truly realized how blessed I have been throughout my life.

From your own experience, why do you believe it was important for you to attend TCS?

Attending TCS gave me a biblical foundation for my faith and my relationship with God. I learned firsthand from the mentors and teachers on how to walk with God and give my all in everything I did. I still keep in contact with many of my mentors and teachers who made such a strong impression on me. Those relationships will last a lifetime. In addition, because it was such a small, close knit family, I forged relationships right from the start in kindergarten that I still cherish today. I wouldn’t trade those relationships for anything in the world and know that this may have not been possible had I been in a bigger school.

How are faith and learning integrated at TCS?

Faith is integrated in everything at TCS. Whether it was playing sports, the curriculum, or just any casual conversation, God was always a factor in everything we did. Praying before sports events or knowing that I could ask a teacher for a prayer request before we started our day was such a crucial part of my development. I wouldn’t have it any other way and now being a teacher in a public school, I miss those unforgettable opportunities.

In what ways did TCS prepare you for college and beyond?

TCS prepared me to stand my ground when it came to my faith being challenged. As I began college, I was surrounded by people whose beliefs were very different from mine. I was able to strongly stand on my foundation and even prayed for those who disagreed with me. It would have been very difficult to uphold the standards and morals that I kept, without the foundation that I had at TCS.

What would you tell a friend to encourage them to send their child to TCS?

If you are looking for a school with a Christian foundation, that will give your child biblical knowledge and understanding of the Bible along with great mentors to guide you, you have found the right place. There are not many schools that have the “family feel” that Timothy has. I did not realize how rare this opportunity was until after I graduated and experienced the world.