In this challenging year, there is still much to celebrate! One way that we decided to celebrate being in person this year was by creating our very own class books.  Having worked with the Student Treasures company in the past, I was excited to introduce this project to the whole elementary school. The staff loved the idea and went above and beyond to create their class books!

Our students and teachers chose a class theme and created their own writing and illustrations.  I loved seeing the hard work and creativity from every single student and class.  Our K4 class chose to write a book about what they would like to be when they grow up! Kindergarten focused on Kindness.  First grade created a “We Have a Dream” book where they shared their own dream for a better world, just like Martin Luther King Jr.  Second grade wrote about their favorite sport and Bible stories.  The upper grades chose to write about their favorite Bible stories and poems.

Every year we try to do new things to spark a love of learning with our students and capture their unique talents and creativity.  These books did just that! They allowed our students to shine by publishing their writing and illustrations in a fun way.  Teachers added dedication pages, photos, and their own writing samples to make each book special. After the students created their class book, they were all mailed to the Student Treasures publishing company in Topeka, Kansas, where they were bound and made into professional books!  Now each student has their very own copy of their class book.

I am so thankful for the TCS teachers and staff for all their hard work and effort to make these class books a reality! Seeing all of our elementary students become published authors was a dream of mine come true! Parents, teachers and students loved this class project! It is truly one of the highlights from this amazing school year!