In honor of National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, Timothy Christian School provided our Law Enforcement with a special COVID-style drive-thru breakfast at 9 AM this morning. The mayor of Piscataway and Law Enforcement from all towns in which our students reside were invited to come to our campus for a drive-thru breakfast. The excitement could be felt as the elementary children cheered while the officers drove onto campus with flashing lights and sirens sounding!
Timothy Christian School is truly grateful for our local Law Enforcement who serve and protect us. We want them to know that we deeply appreciate them. Knowing that we could not have the officers in the buildings with a full hot breakfast and special awards assembly as we have done the past few years, we were disappointed, but determined to find a way to still bless them! When Mrs. Spiess, elementary administrative assistant and HS mom, said, “How about a ‘Drive-thru’ with a ‘Breakfast Box’?” we all jumped on board and started planning!
Mayor Wahler and 30 Law Enforcement from 12 towns drove through our campus and received a special pre-packaged “Breakfast in a Box,” hot cup of coffee and a personalized coffee tumbler. Law Enforcement also received their choice of a hot Egg McMuffin or Egg & Sausage sandwich provided by McDonald’s who generously agreed to partner with us for this special event!
Our administrative team handed out the breakfast boxes, coffee and sandwiches. The officers were greeted by our cheerleaders, our mascot, Timothy the Tiger, and elementary students who cheered and waved American flags for the officers as they drove through. Kindergarten students presented hand-made thank you cards to each officer.
Law Enforcement came from Piscataway, Edison, North Plainfield, Plainfield, Bridgewater, Dunellen, Franklin Twp., New York City, Scotch Plains, Elizabeth, Metuchen and Perth Amboy. The officers were truly grateful. “Thank you guys again for having the event. It means a lot to us that there are still people and communities who appreciate us and what we do. God bless you and TCS!” Officer Howay Yang of Piscataway.
Thank you to our parents who donated towards the boxes, helped package them and those who “sponsored an officer”! A special thank you to David Singelyn and his team at the McDonald’s on Stelton Road in Piscataway for providing hot breakfast sandwiches!
We want our local Law Enforcement officers to know, as we referenced on their tumblers, that just as Paul said in Thessalonians 1:2, “We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers.” We look forward to next year and are hopeful we can have them back inside our buildings for a full hot breakfast and special program to honor them!