The right and freedom to vote is an American privilege. Where does our freedom as Americans come from?When posed with this question, our 8th grade Civics students threw out answers like these: “Severing ties with a tyrannical King;” “American colonists;” “From the shadows of the Magna Carta;” “The Declaration of Independence;” “The desire and willingness to create a country where religion is practiced freely – where voices are heard and considered – none too small;” “Where authoritative figures are representatives of the people, chosen by the people;” and “Where a system of checks and balances is foundational to the upkeep of democracy.”
With his students, Mr. Hayes discussed 1 Peter 2:11-17 and what this passage means for Christian Americans. They talked about how we are to show respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God and honor the leaders God places over our country.
Our MS and HS students have passionately discussed the framers of the constitution, current matters (police brutality, racism, Black Live Matter, CHOP Seattle, George Floyd, protests and marches), biases that exist in the media, the debates and the importance of understanding what the candidates stand for, and who students believe will and should be elected.Our elementary students have also been learning about the election.
Our librarian, Mrs. Hubler, read Duck for President to our lower elementary students and talked about what makes a good candidate. She then gave the students the chance to vote for Duck or Farmer Brown. Once they put their ballot in the box, she gave them each a sticker that said, “I Voted.”
Mrs. Palma’s second graders learned about voting by having a mock election in their class. Three students were chosen as candidates to run for Class Leader. Those three students had to write a speech and present it to the class, while pairs of students created posters to campaign for their candidate. Students created an American flag together and decorated a voting box for the ballots. Once each student placed their ballot in the voting box, they received an “I Voted Today” worksheet to color. Many students cut them out and taped them to their shirts as a sticker.
On Election Day, Tuesday, November 3rd, Principal McInerney will speak to the entire elementary school about the election process, read a book called Vote for our Future, and pray for our nation. Then all elementary students will have an opportunity to experience what it is like to “go to the polls” and vote! Mrs. McInerney will have a voting booth set up in the enrichment room. All the students will have a chance to cast their vote on their ballot and choose Chocolate Chip cookie vs. Oreo cookie.
Once all have voted, the fifth graders will be analyzing the results of the ‘cookie election.’ They will be tabulating the results according to the popular vote. To gain a better understanding of how our system of voting works in the US, they have also assigned each elementary class a number of electorates. They will count the votes and analyze who would win if it was an electoral college instead of a popular vote.
At TCS, our desire is for all our students, from the youngest to the oldest, to understand the importance of exercising their American freedom and right to vote and then to trust our sovereign God for the outcome. It is our responsibility as Christians to respect the authority God places over us and to pray for our government leaders.
Let us follow as Paul instructed, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2