Why did you choose TCS for your child?
We choose TCS for Christ centered education, various athletic and music programs and the proximity to our house.
What do you love most about TCS?
The caring staff.
What is one word that best describes the school? Why?
VALUES. They value parents’ opinions. After a recent parent survey, more online classes were scheduled for middle school.
In what ways have you seen your children grow and develop as a result of their experience at TCS?
TCS has helped my children to value Christ as the primary focal point of their life. When our son was at the final interview at Middlesex Edison STEM school this year he was asked this question: “What would be one reason that you would not accept the STEM school?” His answer was that he would miss the Christ-centered education. As a parent, we were really happy and proud of his answer. It also allowed us an opportunity to see how deeply he valued the Christ-centered education and this would not have been possible without the constant pouring of Christ’s love and discipline that staff shows to students day in and day out. We are looking forward to him being part of the Timothy Christian High School.
How is TCS preparing your children for college and beyond?
Staff instruct children through the Word of God, giving helpful and important tips to make wise Godly decisions in their lives.
What would you tell another parent to encourage them to consider enrolling their child at TCS?
They provide a Christ-centered education, various athletic and music programs, very caring staff members and disciple the children to grow in the way of Christ.