When Christian Crespo graduated from Timothy Christian School in 2010, he had a good idea of what field he wanted to go into – how it would shake up was in God’s hands.
After pursing classes toward engineering and science at Middlesex Community College and later the College of Staten Island, he decided a career in optometry was in his future. Now, just a few months shy of receiving his doctorate in optometry from the State University of New York (SUNY), College of Optometry, the path seems to be set.
In fact, Crespo is leaving SUNY with a coveted distinction: the 2019 Student Innovator Award. To earn this honor, he created a 3D printed retinoscope design that will help address refractive error blindness. He’s hoping the invention will make a difference worldwide.
“While we have the privilege of affording eye doctors in America, blindness is a large problem in many countries where they can not afford access to a good eye doctor and glasses,” Crespo explains. “I realized I could create something normally costing $400 with a 3D printer for $25 and hopefully start to chip away at this large problem impacting people.”
Crespo is in talks with a major charity organization interested in a prototype of his design. He has also lined up a job in optometry along with his father-in-law who is a TCS alumni parent and has his own practice in Staten Island.
“My father-in-law gave me a good glimpse of a career where you still can earn a good living but have a real work-life-balance,” adds Crespo.
To Crespo the idea of working hard to achieve your dreams was something instilled in him since his days at TCS. He still credits Timothy teachers for giving him their vote of confidence and a push in the right direction.
“I definitely felt challenged academically at Timothy. I was really pushed to work hard,” says Crespo.
That determination carried throughout college. The road was challenging at times especially as a Christian student in the science world.
“There is no other field that will challenge you more spiritually,” Crespo remarks. “The amount of views that conflict with the gospel hit me hard. Anyone going into this field needs to be prepared for that, yet the journey led me to search deeper for truth.”
His advice for TCS students following this path is to stay steadfast.
“I think that mindset really got me through and I often refer to Colossians 3:23 and think about the fact that everything I do is to glorify God,” Crespo says. “No matter where I was and where I go, I realize it’s because God put me there and I know I need to keep my eyes fixed on Him.”
A mentality of eyes fixed on God will be sure to take him far as he helps to “fix the eyes” of others.
We wish Crespo well in his last year of school.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. Colossians 3:23
If you have an interesting alumni story, please contact us at alumninews@timothychristian.org.