ms-boys-basketball-mixerIt is often said that the moment you give up is the moment you would’ve overcome if you hadn’t given up in the first place. It is quite possible that that statement could’ve applied to TCS’ middle school girls basketball team. The season had been a 3 month struggle for TCS’ young lady Tigers as close loss after close loss piled up. Head coach Charlie Miller, assistant coach Bob Sanislo, and a very tired yet determined group of TCS Lady Tigers headed to Vineland, New Jersey for the annual end-of-season Crusader Classic Invitational Tournament. In a stunning display of grit and focus, the Lady Tigers won 4 straight games in the 1 day tournament including a very rarely seen shut out in the championship game. A casual sports fan might guess that the determined nature of TCS’ girls paid off in their ability to play well and win 4 games in 1 day. Whether or not that is true is pure speculation. However, you’d be hard pressed to find anyone that would disagree with TCS’ Lady Tigers re-writing the statement that opened up this article……

“If you don’t give up, you eventually get first place.’